There is nothing quite better than watching a comedy show to wind down after a long hard day. But when there is a strong social message tied along with it? Well, then you have the whole package! Today let’s take a look at the show Reservation Dogs to find out all about it! Also, we will see where was Reservation Dogs filmed. So tag along for the ride!
Reservation Dogs comes right from the brains of talented writer-director Taika Waititi and Sterlin Harjo. The show has established several ‘firsts’ in its wake of becoming a top-rated show. It is the first show with an entirely indigenous writing crew. It is also the first show with entire indigenous directors and producers. As well as an all-indigenous main cast!
So, where was Reservation Dogs filmed? The show itself is based entirely in Oklahoma and thus has also been filmed there! Locations that feature in the show include, Terlton, Okmulgee, Sand Springs, Beggs, Inola, and Tulsa.
We were not kidding when we said all the filming locations of the series have been set in Oklahoma. This itself is an achievement as Reservation Dogs became the first show to entirely have been shot in Oklahoma. We often see locations change while filming, as is the case with Line of Duty and The Little Mermaid!
Table of Contents
The Plot Of Reservation Dogs | What Is The Show About?
Before we move on to see where was Reservation Dogs filmed, let’s see what the awesome show is all about! Winner of several Academy and Global Globe awards, Taika Waititi always seems to come up with something genius. Therefore, Reservation Dogs is no different!
Reservation Dogs follows the lives of four indigenous teens. As the show starts, we see them coming to terms with the death of their friend. While we don’t get to see the friend, Daniel, on screen, throughout the show, his presence can be felt.
All four of them live in rural Oklahoma and plan to move to California for a better life. They not only want this for themselves but also because ‘that is what Daniel wanted.’ The friends deal with grief through humor as they figure out what to do with their lives next.
As things unfold and each of them is scattered, their Californian dream seems to be slipping away from their hands. Life teaches friends lessons in weird ways, and as they go from teenage to adulthood, things get even more serious. Reservation Dogs is an epic show that really deserves to be on your watch list!
Where Was Reservation Dogs Filmed? All The Locations You Need To Know About!
With much success in its first season, Reservation Dogs was ordered for a season 2 as well. The show initially premiered on FX, and on OTT services, it premiered through Hulu. The new season is fresh in the minds of the audiences as the show was released on August 3, 2022, with all its episodes.
Now on to our main question for the day – where was Reservation Dogs filmed? Check out the locations in Oklahoma that were used in the comedy series!
Okmulgee, Oklahoma, USA
All of the series has been shot in Oklahoma. While that in itself is an achievement, most of the show has been shot in one location in particular. And that location happens to be Okmulgee in Oklahoma.
Since the show is set in a backdrop of rural Oklahoma, Okmulgee proved to be the best filming spot. Okmulgee is known to have a large community of indigenous people, which gives the place authenticity.
As the writers tell the story of each of the guys in the show, Oklahoma seems to be the primary place of choice. Several areas in and around Okmulgee have been used in season two of Reservation Dogs as well. So it seems the crew has chosen its favorite spot for the show!
Tulsa, Oklahoma
In a way, Okmulgee serves as a main converging point in the show. Things seem to flow through the area and characters seem to emerge from there. Similarly, Tulsa acts as a secondary location for the whole show.
In real life, the two locations are at a distance of two hours from each other. Which made filming between the two places extremely convenient for the cast and crew. The administrators of the tribal regions in the areas have had a huge part to play as well.
According to insiders in the show, the tribal authority has been welcoming the cast and crew. Making work and research for the show incredibly smooth and easy. If you are planning a visit to Oklahoma, then be sure to keep Tulsa on your itinerary.
Terlton, Sand Springs, Beggs, and Inola, Oklahoma, USA
While the major part of the filming was done in Okmulgee, the cast and crew stayed in Tulsa. Then whatever part of filming remained, was completed in the regions of Terlton, Sand Springs, Beggs, and Inola.
Since the show is going for a very midwest kind of vibe, these areas kind of help the showrunners in doing so. With two seasons already done and dusted and a third that looking to happen, these areas will be looking forward to welcoming the crew more. After all, it brings more awareness to the region as well as more financial opportunities for the locals.
Final Words
We hope now you know where was Reservation Dogs filmed! The show is more than just a comedy as it makes you think about the lives of indigenous people around you. Often ignored and never really considered as the ‘main characters’, native people have the most interesting stories to tell.
If filming locations give you a thrill just as much as it gives us, then do check out the locations of Parenthood and Heartland. Also, if you happen to have a favorite movie or a show that you would want to be covered, then drop a comment below. We will try our best to get you all the information we can!
How many seasons does Reservation Dogs have?
Reservation Dogs has two seasons!
How many episodes of Reservation Dogs are there?
Reservation Dogs has a total of 16 episodes spread across 2 seasons.
Will there be a season 3 of Reservation Dogs?
Currently, there is no information about whether there will be a season 3 of Reservation Dogs!
Where to watch Reservation Dogs?
You can watch Reservation Dogs on FX. You can also watch it online on Hulu.