Where Was In The Tall Grass Filmed? A Canadian Supernatural Flick!!


Are you interested in watching films that are made outside of America? Well, if you are, then be sure to read this article, where I discuss the foreign horror film, In The Tall Grass. And also let you in on where was In The Tall Grass filmed.

This Canadian horror drama flick, released in 2019 was inspired from a novel by Stephen King and Joe Hill published 7 years earlier to the film! Director Vincenzo Natalie’s In The Tall Grass presents the story of two young siblings. Who get lost in the vast and dense wilderness of Kansas, in an attempt to save a child. And end up falling prey to a monster, hiding in the deep grass!

Netflix’s original film In The Tall Grass, premiered at Fantastic Fest and was highly praised by audiences and critics. The film went on to win two esteemed awards at the Directors Guild of Canada in 2020!

Now before we unveil, where was In The Tall Grass filmed. Let’s discuss the plot of the film in brief. So that you can get a better understanding of the actual storyline!

Plot Of In The Tall Grass | What’s It About

In The Tall Grass, begins by introducing us to the central characters of the film, Becky, a pregnant young girl with a premature baby, and her brother Cal. In the film, the siblings are shown traveling from Kansas on their way to San Diego. But suddenly, they decide to take a halt in the middle of nowhere, after hearing the pangs of a child.

Soon after, the siblings get down to inspect the source of the shrieking cry. And lose each other in the deep grass. Tobin, the child who was yawping for help, gets discovered by Cal. On further prying he finds Tobin holding a dead crow and weirdly smiling at him. Cal and Becky soon realize, that they are in grave danger, and have probably been ambushed!

Midway through the film, Becky’s husband, Travis arrives at the fields, looking for his wife and stumbles upon Cal, who was previously attacked by an apparition! They readily search for a highland, to get out of the deep grass.

Towards the final quarter of the film, Travis realizes that the grassland is like a mysterious maze that keeps bringing them back to the same place. He explains the current scenario to Cal and his wife, who reunite again. And convinces them to stay out of the enchanted moors.

Eventually, Tobin again casts a spell on the cursed rock, that transports them to a portal, to relive the moments again. However, Becky and Cal do not stop by the road anymore, after remembering Travis’ advice, and drive past the cursed fields!

Now let’s find out where was In The Tall Grass filmed. So that you can enjoy the scenic filming locations that were used to film this horror thriller flick!

Where Was In The Tall Grass Filmed? Let’s Know This Horror Flick Closely!!

Director Natalie and the production unit decided to shoot the film In The Tall Grass, in and around Canada! The decision was strictly to maintain the filming budget and also to get a hefty filming tax exemption! Even though the story of the film is set in the state of Kansas, the majority of the filming took place in Canada’s capital province, Ontario.

The principal photography began in July 2018 and was completed in just two months. Now without waiting any longer let’s discuss where was In The Tall Grass filmed, in depth!

Elmira, Ontario | Canada

Where Was In The Tall Grass Filmed? A Canadian Supernatural Flick!!

The first filming location that the production reached was the township of Elmira. Which is located 15 kilometers north of Waterloo, neighboring to Woolwich. The filming crew shot the opening sequences just outside the parking lot of Elmira Bowl, located at 15 first St. East.

The exterior shots of Bowl-a-drome were also taken. This is the location where the character of Cal is introduced in the film. Speaking of introductions, let me introduce you to a couple films that I’d recommend for you to watch this Halloween, such as Split, Trick, and last but not the least Malignant.

Lakeside, Ontario | Canada

Where Was In The Tall Grass Filmed? A Canadian Supernatural Flick!!

After completing the filming of establishing scenes in the township of Elmira, the production unit then traveled to the Lakeside area in Ontario. This is where the majority of the filming took place. The deep dark woods surrounding the lake was perfect to portray the sinister backdrop of the deep grasslands shown in the film.

The filming crew had to work really hard to perfect the lighting and sound required for the scenes. Special mic and lighting equipment were brought in from the city, to capture the scenes properly.

As most of the exterior shots were filmed during the night, there were no disturbances from the passing vehicles and ambient noise. The surroundings in fact were eerily silent. Which made the filming process a bit creepy as well. Here’s a couple of films that you can watch, such as The Exorcist, Scream and Don’t Listen which are equally scary!

Toronto, Ontario | Canada

Where Was In The Tall Grass Filmed? A Canadian Supernatural Flick!!

The filming crew finally reached to the lively city of Toronto, to finish the filming process. The interior scenes of the church and some other pivotal scenes were filmed inside a studio, located in the downtown area of the city.  The filming crew had to construct a make believe set to film the final sequence, where Travis is killed by Tobin after taking him inside a hidden chamber.

Now here are a couple of places in Toronto that are not hidden at all, such as the historic Royal Ontario Museum or the ever inspiring Art Gallery of Ontario. Plus you can also check out the CN Tower if you wish to witness the beautiful city from the top. However if you instead want to stay grounded and mix with the local culture and people you can definitely pay a visit to St Lawrence Market, which is the melting pot of art, food and music in the city.

Final Words

Alright ladies and gentlemen, time for us to part ways! But now that you know where was In The Tall Grass filmed. I hope you’ll give this film a shot! Don’t forget to mention your thoughts in the comment section below, and let me know if you liked the read! And be sure to visit Oldflamescandles and check out other amazing articles about the latest films and shows.

Who Are The Cast Members Of The Film In The Tall Grass?

The cast of the film In The Tall Grass includes Harrison Gilbertson, Laysla De Oliviera, Avery Whitted, Will Buie Jr. and Rachel Wilson

What Is The Runtime Of The Film In The Tall Grass?

1h 41m is the runtime of the film In The Tall Grass.

What Is The Rating Of The Film In The Tall Grass?

The film In The Tall Grass  has a TV-MA rating.

Who Is The Music Director Of The Film In The Tall Grass?

Mark Korven was the music director of the film In The Tall Grass.

Is The Film In The Tall Grass Based On A True Story?

No, the film In The Tall Grass is based on a novel of the same name by Stephen King and Joe Hill. Which inspired Vincenzo Natalli to write the screenplay, along with directing the film.

Ujwal Mattoo
Ujwal Mattoo
With full journalism and half engineering background, Ujwal has hands in both the tech and creative fields. He is a film enthusiast who loves all kinds of genres. As much as he enjoys watching movies, he is always amused to know more and write about the locations to feed his hunger for traveling. In this world of fictional louds, he voices his opinions softly! He is either busy writing or playing with Milo, his dog!


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